Welcome to Follow The Sun Photography

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Welcome to Follow The Sun Photography

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Please note that this website has not been updated for some time.
To explore my most recent work, visit my Instagram: @followthesun.photography
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 24, 2025.
My beloved Stella turned 4 last week! She was born on the Equinox of 2021, my magical little companion. We do everything together, her and I. Ever since she came to us, she’s slept right by my chest every single night🥰 And she’s always with me when I’m working in the garden, and often when I’m at my home office desk, cooking, eating, reading, etc. We also enjoy daily walks to the creek in the forest together, and if I’m too busy one day, she encourages me by standing on the path, looking deeply at me!🥹😍🙏✨ Oh, my wonderful little Stella, how much I love you!!❤️❤️ Do you have a special cat who just brightens up your days?🐈🌞 Let me know & spread some cat-love in the comments💕 . . . #selfportraitwithcat #cats_of_instagram #catpeople #cats_of_world #catwoman #cats #katterpåinsta #kattliv #katt #kattporträtt #catportrait #animallovers #animalloversofinstagram #animals #animal #lifewithcats #catsdaily #beautifulcats #norrbotten #fotografnorrbotten #fairy #fairycore🧚‍♀️ #fairylife✨ #fairytale
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 19, 2025.
Seasons’ Changing🌅🔮✨ This photograph from my Nordic Photo-Art collection was purchased by @lkabs_konstf_mbgt_lule and featured in their art exhibition at @gvekulturmuseum in 2022. It has since become one of the bestsellers on my webshop, and it’s still available for anyone wanting to bring this piece of nature’s magic into their home 🖼️✨ #photoart #fotokonst #mothernature #natureart #photoartists #naturfotograf #fotografnorrbotten #sunset #ängesån #norrlandmagic #NaturePhotography #NordicArt #LandscapePhotography #ScenicViews #NatureLovers #ArtCollectors #NatureInspired #HomeDecor #InteriorDesign #ArtForSale #NatureMagic #FineArtPhotography #NordicBeauty #PhotographyArt #WallArt #NatureInspiration #PhotographyCollectors #ArtPrints
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 15, 2025.
Thursdays fullmoon rise at 1600mm 🌕📸🎞️ While we couldn’t watch the eclipse from Polar circle land this time, the fullmoon rise was nothing but magical 🔮✨ And wow, what powerful energy it brought! How are you all feeling? Mercury goes retrograde today too ~ the cosmic energies are truly intense right now🌀 Photographed with my @canonnordic R7 + Canon RF 100-500mm + 2x Extender 📸 . . . #FullMoon #MoonMagic #Moonrise #LunarEclipse #Astrophotography #NaturePhotography #CanonPhotography #CanonR7 #CanonRF #CanonRF100500mm #SuperZoom #1600mm #CosmicEnergies #EnergyShift #MercuryRetrograde #LunarVibes #AstrologyLovers #PolarCircle #NorthernSkies #ScandinavianNature #Magic
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 14, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 14, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 14, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 14, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 14, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 14, 2025.
Sedan 2021 har jag blivit tillfrågad att hålla fotokurser i samarbete med @sv_norrbotten i Pajala, Haparanda och Kalix någon gång per år. Jag känner mig hedrad varje gång ~ jag hade aldrig trott att jag kunde lära ut fotografering (trots att jag fotograferat dagligen i mer än halva mitt liv & professionellt de senaste tio åren) därför att fotografering är ett hantverk man aldrig blir riktigt fullärd inom, det finns alltid något nytt att lära & utveckla. Men en riktig ‘gamechanger’ för mig var när min mor lärde mig att lära mig att fotografera i manuellt läge. Det gav mig nyckeln till frihet inom fotografering, och därför bestämde jag mig för att göra just detta till fokuset på mina fotokurser. Att dela den kunskapen har varit otroligt givande ~ det är magiskt att se deltagarna förstå samspelet mellan slutartid, bländare & ISO och verkligen bli bästa vän med sin kamera! Och nu är det dags för fotokurs igen!📸🎞️✨ Den 26 april håller jag en lördags-kurs i samarbete med @sv_kalix . Ingen erfarenhet krävs ~ kursen är öppen för alla! Svep för att se några av mina bilder från tidigare kurser & läsa vad några utav tidigare deltagare har sagt om mina fotokurser ~ och gå in på deras konton & kolla på deras magiska bilder 😍 @katarinabjorkman @johanna_funck @tornedalsfoton 📣 Se alla detaljer om kursen på den sista bilden! Välkommen med er anmälan, alla som är intresserade :) 5 platser är redan bokade så det finns endast 5 platser kvar ➡️ skicka DM för att boka er plats idag! 📩 (Wrote this in Swedish since the photo-course is in Swedish, sorry to all of you English speaking friends. Hope the translation button works💛) . . . #fotokurs #fotokursnorrbotten #norrbotten #fotografnorrbotten #kalix #överkalix #pajala #luleå #haparanda #övertorneå #norrsken #foto #fotoutveckling #lärdigfotografera #fotointresse #utveckling #personligutveckling #aurora #auroralovers #northernlights #nordlys #norrlandmagic #naturemagic
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 13, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 13, 2025.
Pygmy Owl Magic🦉🔮🖼️✨ now shipping worldwide! Photo-Art available in 21x30, 30x40, 40x50, 50x70 & 70x100cm sizes, printed on high-quality, matte art paper. Each purchase supports the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation as 20% of proceeds contributes to their important work💚 In Nordic folklore, owls symbolize wisdom & intuition, often seen as guides through life’s mysteries🔮✨ Bring this emblem of insight & magic of nature into your home🖼️✨ Send a DM to order today! . . . . #WildlifeAtHome #PhotoArt #ArtForSale #BuyArt #OwlArt #WildlifeArt #ArtCollectors #ArtGallery #ArtExhibition #PhotographyArt #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography #OwlPhotography #owllovers #owlstagram #owlstagram_feature #owlsofinstagram #owlsome #NatureLovers #NaturePhotography #PygmyOwl #BirdLovers #WildlifePhotographer #sparvuggla #fotokonst #lokalkonst #supportlocal #handlalokalt #nature_perfection #natur
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 12, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 12, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 12, 2025.
These days, it feels a lot like spring when the sun is shining, but the nighttime temperatures are still very much winter here, by the Arctic Circle. . It is, as we say around here, spring-winter, our 5th season🤍🔮✨ Do you have spring yet, wherever in the world you are?🌱 . . . . #NatureLovers #IntoTheWild #WildNature #ExploreNature #NaturePerfection #WildernessCulture #NatureVibes #HealingWithNature #NatureWisdom #LookDeepIntoNature #NatureIsMedicine #ReconnectWithNature #winterriver #ForestTherapy #NaturePhotography #SnowyLandscapes #WinterMagic #ScenicViews #LandscapeLovers #ExploreTheOutdoors #NatureCommunity #OutdoorPassion #ScenicEscape #NatureExplorers #EarthLover #NatureIsCalling #Natur #Nature #Springwinter #vårvinter
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 11, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 11, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 11, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 11, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 11, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 11, 2025.
Siberian Jay visiting my garden in the magical spring light🪽🤍 Did you know that in Nordic folklore, the Siberian Jay was said to be sent by the Skogsrå (female forest spirit/guardian) to warn about dangers with their unique calls? Back in the day, if Nordic hunters saw a Siberian Jay, they would just turn around, knowing the animals had already been warned. (Source @folkminnen website) Have you ever heard a jay’s call echoing through the trees?🔮✨ . . . #WildlifeAtHome #Lavskrika #SiberianJay #NordicFolklore #WildlifeProtection #NatureMagic #BirdLovers #BirdPhotography #NatureInspiration #Folklore #Nordic #raw_nordic #ForestGuardians #forestlover #forest #earthcapture #wildlifephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotographybird #natur #norrbotten #fotografnorrbotten #överkalix #natgeoyourshot #natgeowildlife #natgeowild #natgeoanimal #natgeophotography #naturephotography
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Trustindex feed image, shared by followthesun.photography on Instagram on March 05, 2025.
Up close with the kings of the forest 🫎👑 A photo-series from when my mother-in-law from Italy came to visit for the first time🥰 Since she’s always dreamed of seeing moose, we stopped by the local moose farm✨ These gentle giants are so comfortable around people, most of them coming right up to say hey, and many of them were playing around close by. It was amazing to watch them so close. My mother-in-law was absolutely amazed, and it was such a cool experience for all of us ~ I can’t believe we were blessed with both snowfall & sunshine, it truly made some magical photo-opportunities!🎞️ The Arctic Moose farm is run by a local Sámi family & it’s built on deep respect for the moose. Alongside meeting these magnificent animals, visitors also get to fika & listen to stories about the moose & the Sámi culture🔮✨ PS. Don’t miss to zoom in on the face of the funny sunbathing moose on the last photo😂 . . . #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #NatureLovers #raw_nordic #NordicNature #ExploreTheWild #ArcticWildlife #SamiCulture #ScandinavianNature #NatureIsArt #WildlifePlanet #NordicWildlife #IncredibleNature #VisitSweden #SwedishLapland #Heartoflapland #fotografnorrbotten #överkalix #canonnordic #canon_photos #natgeo #natgeotravel #natgeoyourshot #natgeowild #natur #älg #moose #NatureWonders #nature #naturfotograf